About the project

The aim of the project Heritage for Digital and Literacy Learning is to develop key literacy and digital competences through learning about European cultural, tangible and intangible heritage among primary school pupils. The activities foreseen in the project allow the use of creativity, imagination and alternative teaching methods as forms to improve and strengthen the competences mentioned above. A child who becomes more familiar with his or her cultural surroundings is not only richer in knowledge, but also more sensitive and perceptive.

When, in addition, they have the opportunity to create their own stories, they become more prepared to master the language and use their lexical resources, and consequently are better at reading texts, producing interesting written expressions and are able to acquire knowledge through active listening. Furthermore, the project allows young people to develop their digital skills by creating their own e-books based on trips around the city and looking at places and objects often overlooked in their absorbing and “fast-paced” everyday lives.

At the end of the project, pupils will have the chance to share their newly acquired cultural awareness, which is also linked to the literacy competences being developed, and the alternative methods used offer the chance to increase young people’s motivation, their involvement and the inclusion of pupils with Specific Learning Disorders.


If you would like to find out more about the project partners, please visit the PARTNERS sub-page, which contains brief business cards.

Project results

Activity 1: 

A guide which will introduce the different topics of the project: digital, literacy and heritage. The goal of this guide is to develop the project’s approach:

heritage as a mean of digital and literacy learning. The guide will also provide information on the literacy and digital competence levels of primary school pupils in the partner countries. It will also include good practice on the use of tangible and intangible heritage as a form of developing these skills of pupils.



Activity 2:

The second activity will be to create a guidebook, in which we will develop practical tips to enable students to create their own “city tour”.

The aim is to show how to create a tour-story based on something from their surroundings, e.g. a neighbourhood, interesting streets, current historical monuments (thus developing literacy skills) and then put it into an e-book (digital). To enrich this guide, we will also create sample sheets to present the route created by the expert group.


Examples of tour stories created by expert group (ARTeria Foundation and SCS LogoPsyCom)

Activity 3: 

The white paper will present the different pupils’ tours as best practices examples. The purpose of the white paper is also to help future developers create their own city tours through feedback from students who have already taken part in the activity. 

There will be answers to questions about how they prepared for these activities, their reflections and feelings, what they found easy and what they found difficult.


Testimonials / Recommendations


The "Heritage for Digital and Literacy Learning (HDLL) project aims to empower school pupils by developing literacy and digital skills through the exploration of European ...
In the digital age, we are inevitably confronted with a decline in students' literacy skills. Books are increasingly scarce, replaced by tablets, smartphones and computers, ...
Supporting students in all their activities is one of the basic tasks of teachers. In the context of children's increasing mental health problems and an ...
On 5-6 June, the first and only project partner meeting took place. The remaining meetings, due to the short length of the project, were scheduled ...
In an increasingly digital world, literacy and digital skills have become fundamental components of education. ...
The Belgian partner, in preparation for presenting the first results of the project, proposed the very interesting Belfry of Mons. The Belfry of Mons, locally ...
The next interesting site chosen as a heritage example by the Lithuanian partner, and a good practice showing how young people’s literacy and digital skills ...
As part of the work on the first outcome of our project – the guidebook “Heritage as gateway for developing skills” ...
As a first project activity, the partners collected data on the literacy and digital skills levels of children aged 10 to 14. ...
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